10 ideas to improve Facebook.
For the first of my regular blog entries I’m having a go at a social media giant.
Facebook supremo, Mark Zuckerberg – but not on privacy matters.
10 ideas to improve Facebook – Most are simple and have been available around the Internet for years.
1. Facebook is Blue.
Colour matters and Facebook is blue. It’s always been blue. Some people want a change of scenery. Facebook uses CSS Cascading Style Sheets to present color and it’s easy to change it. Why so blue Mark? Financially you’re in the Pink so offer a little variety!
2. Birthday Notifications
Mark knows where we live so Facebook could easily use our timezone information to notify us PROPERLY for friends and family’s birthdays around the world. Having notifications at midnight in OUR Country is dumb. Mark you’ve had 15 years to think of this – Make an effort my boy!
3. Deleting Email messages
We can’t delete Facebook email messages and we should have that right. Offer the other party(s) a chance to download the email first if you must, but allow users to delete messages. Facebook shouldn’t be holding them without our consent now the GDPR laws have come into force. *- Update (09/02/2019) Facebook will allow deletion of a message up to 10 minutes after it is sent.
4. Facebook Cover Image sizes
How can the recommended image sizes involve odd numbers? A 1 pixel image can NOT be doubled in size. It goes from 1 pixel to 4. Hence, most graphic formats are created in sizes divisible by 8. It’s no big deal but the point is using odd numbers for images is dumb.
5. YouTube Autoplay
Facebook Video counts live users and messes with all sorts of statistics, which is probably why they DELIBERATELY turned off the ability for us users to autoplay YouTube video. Sharing songs used to be fun. Now it’s frustrating. Song Sharing via other Apps on Facebook leaks privacy information. Nice one Mark.
6. Facebook Polls
Only 2 Choices? Why so binary? Why not a YES, NO and MAYBE? Most online polls offer lots of options. Facebook can do better.
7. MP3 Audio
Why not allow users to post MP3 audio snippets to friends pages? Offer a permission system – make like knocking on their door. Embrace this free format, forget tracking behavior with 3rd party things and embrace the people for once.
8. Text Formatting
Allow users to make text bold or italicized. Plain text suits you but how about us? This is a standard on loads of platforms.
9. Facebook Video Thumbnail Image
We can choose a (static) thumbnail image for video we upload to a Business Page but NOT to our own personal profile page. Put your regular users first or at least on par!
10. Facebook Prizes
Facebook Prizes! Mark, it’s time you started sharing the wealth. Imagine a competition to meet 10 Facebook friends on a dream holiday. Or better still, – a trip to raise awareness for an important cause. Facebook makes more cash than all the world’s TV networks so, (for example), – If a wee television network in Scotland can award free holidays to Australia then Facebook can EASILY make dreams come true. Broadcast THAT on your Facebook Watch network Mark. Literally.
Share the money honey!
Thanks for reading my 10 ideas to improve Facebook Blog entry!